Logo III Congreso Internacional de Lenguas, Lingüística y Traducción


Deadline for submission - January 15th, 2024.

Call for manuscripts
Logo III Congreso Internacional de Lenguas, Lingüística y Traducción

July 31st to August 4th, 2023

Virtual and Face to Face Event

Deadline for submission - January 15th, 2024
Congress - July 31st to August 4th, 2023

3rd International Congress on Languages, Linguistics and Translation


The National School for Languages, Linguistics and Translation (Escuela Nacional de Lenguas, Lingüística y Traducción) is pleased to announce its 3rd International Congress on Languages, Linguistics and Translation, or CILLT, which will be held remotely and in person from July 31st to August 4th, 2023, on the main campus of the UNAM in Mexico City.

We welcome submissions from:
  • Researchers, academics, and practitioners working in the language teaching field, theoretical and applied linguistics, and translation primarily at university and high school levels.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students.
  • Teachers in training.
  • To exchange experiences, results and perspectives related to research in the field of language teaching and learning, theoretical and applied linguistics, and translation.
Specific objectives:
  • To present research in progress or results in the aforementioned areas.
  • To exchange innovative didactic practices and strategies.
  • To reflect on current dynamics and challenges in language teaching, applied linguistics and translation in academic and professional contexts.
  • To foster an environment that stimulates the creation of collaborative networks among participants.

Last day to submit proposals
January 30th, 2023

Extension: February 17th, 2023


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Jean-Marc Dewaele

Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña

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Olivier Le Guen

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, México

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Violeta Vázquez Rojas Maldonado

Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios del Colegio de México, México

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Alicia Mateo Manzo

Departamento de Idiomas de la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Morelia-UNAM, México